Fine Line Rider Training - Ph - 02 55046910

Fine Line Rider Training - Ph - 02 55046910

Step 1 : Click the Collections Tab (below on left next to Events Tab)

Step 2 : Click on the collection that relates to the course you need to do

Step 3 : Click on a course date that is available and that suits you

Step 4 : Read ALL THE INFORMATION about your course

Step 5 : Click Check Out

Step 6 : Fill out all of the requested information about you, including your payment details

Our Training Venue is at 41 Whitbread Street, Taree. NSW. 2430 (entrance between Carpetcraft and Workwise Clothing)

For L's - Pre-Learner Courses - $111 - Pre-Learner Courses are held over 2 CONSECUTIVE HALF DAYS. Each day of your course starts and finishes at the same time.

Morning Courses - Day 1 - Start 8:00am -11.30am Day 2 - Start 8:00am-11:30am

Afternoon Courses- Day 1 - Start 12:00pm-3:30pm Day 2 - Start 12:00-3.30pm

******* When you book a Pre-Learner Course, the course you book is for the two half days. Your course technically starts on Day 1 and finishes at the end of Day 2. For example - Morning Course times are as above, but the TOTAL COURSE technically starts at 8:00am on Day 1 and finishes at 11:30am on Day 2.

For P's - Pre-Provisional - $232 (includes Skills (MOST)Test)- Held in 1 day (8:00am - 4:00pm)

For Retests - Skills Test Only - $67 (2:30pm - 4:00pm) - if gate is closed and locked when you arrive, wait in driveway until Instructor arrives with the rest of the course students, who may still be on their road ride (part of their Ps course). If the gate is open, make your way to the classroom and make yourself known to the instructor.

For Aged Testing - this is free of charge to pensioners and needs to be organised by our office through TfNSW. Phone 55046910 to book your Aged Skills Test.

NOTE - If you are unsure of what type of course or test you should take you will need to contact Service NSW. We are unable to answer any specific questions relating to licencing or your own special circumstances .


Kommande (88)

Tidigare (2.7K)

