Online Market and Sales

Online Market and Sales

Liselott Lading will help you learn how to optimize your presence online for marketing and sales.

Datum och tid

fre, 11 juni 2021 01:00 - 03:00 PDT




In this workshop we will focus on online marketing and sales. You will learn models that can be used no matter what you want to accomplish with online channels (sales, marketing or even recruitment). The models will cover how to plan your digital activity and how to measure it’s outcome. And it all starts with your business goals.

Key take aways:

- How to use the models for digital communication now and in the future.

- How to make sure you’re focusing your time and energy for maximum output online.

- How to feel confident with your activities online now and for the future.

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We are a vibrant life science venture hub situated within Medicon Village in Lund, Sweden. Our mission is to empower life science innovators by offering expert business development services, enabling them to successfully launch their groundbreaking solutions into the global market.

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