Lindholmen Software Development Day 2024

Lindholmen Software Development Day 2024

This is the number one annual meeting place for software developers and experts in and around Gothenburg on the Swedish west coast

Date and time

Wednesday, October 16 · 8:30am - 4:30pm CEST



Lindholmspiren 5 402 78 Göteborg Sweden


8:30 AM - 9:10 AM

Beyond Limits: Mastering Software Complexity in Space Technology & Automotive

Michael Schön, Volvo Cars

Abstract Michael Schön, Technical Director at the Volvo Cars Technology Fund - The European Space Agency (ESA) –, in collaboration with leading space agencies such as NASA and the Japan A...

9:10 AM - 9:40 AM

"Navigating the Complexity of Building Decentralized Solutions"

Zara Zamani, Region Halland

Abstract Zara Zamani - Building decentralized solutions involves navigating complex challenges in governance, scalability, interoperability, regulation, and user experience. Decentralized governance ...

9:40 AM - 10:00 AM


10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Coffee & Mingle

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

How to think like a hacker

Emil Sundstedt, Knowit

Abstract Emil Sundstedt, Cybersecurity consult Knowit - How to think like a hacker - Lets follow the process of a cyberattack using the kill chain. Each step of the kill chain will be explained and d...

11:00 AM - 11:20 AM

No Secrets are Safe

Mikael Haglund, IBM

Abstract Mikael Haglund, IBM Quantum Technical Ambassador - In the movie “Sneakers” from 1992, there is a fanciful box that can break all the world’s codes. A mere three years later a mathematician s...

11:20 AM - 11:40 AM

AI for Security and Securing AI

Mats Nordlund, AI Sweden

Abstract Mats Nordlund - The rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) poses a unique challenge reshaping the competitive dynamics across industries around the world. The talk is comprised two ...

11:40 AM - 12:05 PM

Bring light to the AI "black box" with AI governance

Anna Kazakova Lindegren, IBM,

Abstract Anna Kazakova Lindegren, AI Technical Specialist IBM - Generative AI is driving new risks and complexities, prompting government and industry leaders to explore what regulations are needed t...

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Managing complexity in creating Software with the aid of Generative AI

Paul Berkuizen, Volvo Cars

Abstract Paul Berkuizen - When creating software with the aid of Generative AI, there are many different aspects to consider. Legal-, technology-, security-, data- and privacy aspects form together a...

11:00 AM - 11:20 AM

Law Enforcement data analyses with AI technologies

Christian Berg & Mats Kvarnström, Peliscope

Abstract Christian Berg, Tech Entrepreneur, Founder of Paliscope, NetClean, Griffeye and Safer Society Group - The impossible equation using the latest AI technologies with the not so latest Hardware...

11:20 AM - 11:40 AM

Making IoT devices sing

Joakim Wiberg, HMS Networks

Abstract - Joakim Wiberg, Head of Technology with the Business Unit Anybus at HMS Networks Industry 4.0, the next industrial revolution, is generating significant buzz with its promises of digitizat...

11:40 AM - 12:05 PM

Adding AI to the core of your business – your products

Anders Berg, Ekkono

Abstract - Anders Berg, Development Team Lead, Ekkono Companies don’t talk as much about digitalisation anymore. Instead, the keyword is AI. Why? Because digitalisation is all about being data-drive...

12:05 PM - 1:00 PM

Lunch break

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

The Code Quality Advantage: How Empirical Data Shatters the Speed vs Quality

Adam Tornhill, Code Scene

Abstract Adam Tornhill, CTO CodeScene - Code quality is an abstract concept that fails to get traction at the business level. Consequently, software companies keep trading code quality for new featur...

1:30 PM - 1:50 PM

Fm Monster to Mastery: Taming Software Complexity for Resilient Transformation

Vard Antinyan, Volvo

Abstract Vard Antinyan, Strategy leader Volvo Group - Industries are embracing extensive opportunities that come with digital transformation empowered by software. Digital transformation, however, co...

1:50 PM - 2:10 PM

Scaling Safety-Critical Software Development in the Automotive Sector

David Friberg, Zenseact

Abstract David Friberg, Driving Innovation & Uniting Tech Teams at Zenseact - Complexity in software development encompasses both social and technical dimensions. As software systems advance, these a...

2:10 PM - 2:40 PM

Generative AI in the context of embedded systems engineering

Dag Lindbo, Ericsson

Abstract Dag Lindbo, Head of Network Models and SW Tech/Ericsson -- We all hear about Generative AI and its promise to transform society in general, and SW engineering in particular. What we hear les...

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Information-driven care in Region Halland, mastering the wealth of healthcare

Etminani Farzaneh, Region Halland

Abstract Etminani Farzaneh, RK HÄLSO- OCH SJUKVÅRD FOU - Information-driven care involves analysing and drawing insights from health data to create a comprehensive, fact-based view of healthcare at i...

1:30 PM - 1:50 PM

Test, Code, Repeat: The secret sauce to business superpowers

Daniel Raniz Raneland, Factor10

Abstract Daniel Raniz Raneland, Project10 Do you know what software delivery performance is? It sounds like something you should be good at - are you? What's the difference between a strong performe...

1:50 PM - 2:10 PM

Managing complexity with pioneering software and smart Diagnostics

Viktor Eliasson, Diadrom

Abstract Viktor Eliasson, CEO of Diadrom Software - In today’s fast-evolving automotive sector, complexity is not just a challenge; it's an opportunity. This keynote discusses how cutting-edge softw...

2:10 PM - 2:40 PM

Scaling Software - Lessons from Growing Teams

Johan Thelin, Koderize

Abstract Johan Thelin, CEO of Koderize - In this talk Johan Thelin will discuss challenges he has encountered when growing teams - from building start-ups to building a software delivery organization...

2:40 PM - 3:10 PM

Coffee & Mingle

3:10 PM - 3:35 PM

Cybersecurity and it’s Unexpected Footprint on Your Organization

Steve Murphy & Charlotta Smålander, QING AB

Abstract Steve Murphy, Senior Manager Cybersecurity & SW Specialist & Charlotta Smålander, COO, Senior Specialist QA/RA @QING - Products, services, administration, organizations, and companies are t...

3:35 PM - 3:55 PM

Navigating complexity through Journey Management

Nathalie Tindsjö, Ambition Empower

Continuously improving products and services is incredibly complex. With numerous teams and departments contributing to business performance and customer experience, scattered data and insights often...

3:55 PM - 4:30 PM

Time to go Radical (and the end of agile)

Jan Bosch, Chalmers University of Technology

Abstract Jan Bosch, Professor Chalmers University of Technology - The agile paradigm has served us well the last two decades, but more and more limitations of the paradigm are becoming apparent. It i...

About this event

  • Event lasts 8 hours

Lindholmen Software Development Day is a neutral arena for industry knowledge sharing in software development. Its aim is to contribute to innovations, new collaborations, and companies and to strengthen the ICT sector in Sweden.

The Lindholmen Software Development Day is an enabler for collaboration to bring future success in software development in Sweden. The event offers cutting-edge open seminars around a theme and is a meeting place for industry, academia, and society.

The Lindholmen Software Development Day is a collaboration between Beyond Gravity, Chalmers, Ericsson, HiQ Göteborg, Hogia, IBM, Invest in Halland, KnowIT, University of Gothenburg, Vinngroup, Volvo Cars, Volvo Group, QRTECH, and Halmstad University. It is an event under the umbrella of the Great Association.

This year´s conference, the 19th in a row, will be about Managing Complexity.

The Keynote speakers will start the day, and then you can choose either the Technical Track or the Business Track before we meet again for more exciting Keynotes.

Keynotes + Technical Track will be held in the Main Hall—Business Track in Pascal.

Organized by

Great är en mötesplats för ett livligt ekosystem där Västsveriges näringsliv, akademi och offentlig sektor samarbetar och delar erfarenheter. Häng med!