
Harmony Week: Bilingual Early Literacy Sessions

Celebrate our diverse community at Georges River Libraries with bilingual rhyme time and story time sessions throughout Harmony Week.

Händelser i denna samling

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Här är vad du kan ha missat

  • Harmony Week: Greek Rhyme Time  primärbild

    Harmony Week: Greek Rhyme Time

    imorgon kl. 11:30


  • Harmony Week: Nepali Story Time  primärbild

    Harmony Week: Nepali Story Time

    imorgon kl. 10:30


  • Harmony Week: Greek Rhyme Time  primärbild

    Harmony Week: Greek Rhyme Time

    imorgon kl. 10:30



Arrangör av Harmony Week: Bilingual Early Literacy Sessions
Georges River Libraries strive to create lifelong learning by informing, inspiring and engaging the community through a range of programs, activities and events.For more information about the Libraries other services, please visit